FDN A001 | Building Construction


FDN A001 | Building Construction begins with an introduction to the subject. We subsequently explore  in-depth the following topics

  • Lesson 1: Construction Classifications
  • Lesson 2: Floors, Ceilings, and Walls
  • Lesson 3: Basements and Stairs
  • Lesson 4: Roofs


MissionCIT Fire Drill Night | Building Construction

FDN A001 | Building Construction begins with an introduction to the subject. We subsequently explore  in-depth the following topics

  • Lesson 1: Construction Classifications
  • Lesson 2: Floors, Ceilings, and Walls
  • Lesson 3: Basements and Stairs
  • Lesson 4: Roofs
  • Lesson 5: Doors
  • Lesson 6: Windows


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